Sunday, September 20, 2009

Palma de Mallorca

Buenos días

Thursday, 17th September we docked on the island off southern Spain called Mallorca. The main city, Palma, is a paradise for tourists all over the world.

The Belver Castle.

The Gothic Cathedral built in 1230 on the foundations of an ancient mosque...

and the "Plaza the Tores", where bull fights still take place to this day.

And any self respecting tour has to have "shopping". This area is famous for it's pearl making. Take your pick, aren't they lovely.

We finished off our trip at a local tapa bar and met this guy, he didn't speak English but was very hospitable.



Miles 8,547
Countries 9

1 comment:

  1. Que buenas fotos de espana! Sally said you were in Toledo, too. That was where I lived in Spain. Ahhh the memories! Thanks for the pearls, too. They will look good with the shirt I'm currently wearing, pulled out of the hamper with spit up and snot on it. Dress it up a little, you know?
