Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Up the mountain to Rondo!!

Buenos días Travelers!!

Monday September 21, we got in the Audi and drove up the mountain to a place called Rondo.

This amazing little white hill town is know for it bullfights, so we're taking you all!!!!

Take a seat....

The bull comes out of this door.....

Actually we missed it, they had one the first week end in September. Our guide book says Rondo is the "birthplace of modern bullfighting" and that this was the first great Spanish bullring. Evidently bullfighting was initiated as war traing for knights in the 16th century. Hardly seems modern.

The other major site here is the Gorge and New Bridge (that was built in 1751)but that's new in Europe. Legend has it the architect fell to his death while inspecting it and during Spain's brutal Civil war, hundreds from both sides were thrown off this bridge. You can actually walk down.

This place was not for the faint of heart.



Miles 9,593
Countries 9

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