Sunday, September 6, 2009

Elegant Vienna

Guten Tag

Vienna, Capital of Austria and home of Classical Music. Here is the much photographed Mozart statue. Check out the shape of the flowers.

Next is Hofburg Palace. The Hofburgs don't live there anymore,

the last heir to the throne was assassinated and sparked WWI (I didn't know that). This impressive building saw even sadder days a few decades later, when Adolf Hitler addressed adorning crowds on this very balcony in 1938 after Austria was evidently forced to be part of Germany (I never knew that either).

Are you hungry after that history lesson. Here is some apple strudel for you with a fine cup of viennese coffee.

We also were told "when in Vienna you have to have a weiner", and here they are, watch out they are hot!!

Last but not leased we are taking you all to the Opera (click the play button), enjoy. (video by Sally)

Oh, sorry, not done yet. I just couldn't let this go by.

Yes, they were playing opera music in the water closet, and you had to pay euros to get in.

Auf Wiedersehen

Miles travel 5,454
Countries visited 5


  1. I loved Vienna! Did you ride the ferris wheel? Nancy, you need a history lesson or two. Did they still have pictures of Sisi (can't remember how to spell her name) all over? She was the Princess Di of her day, married unwillingly to a Hapsburg. Thanks for the strudel!

  2. What history lesson do you mean??? Sisi is still there, didn't have room to mention everyone. The history on my blog was from Rick Steves. Good luck tomorrow, can't wait to hear.
