Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Charming Salzburg

Guten Tag

We are in Salzburg, Austria, birthplace of Mozart in 1756. I've learned more about Mozart between here and Vienna than I ever wanted to know. His life was short, only 35 years old when he died, but as you all know, he was a musical genius by the age of about 5. This is the house where he was born, a museum now, it has an actually clip of his hair. If you do the math the hair is 353 years old...ewe.....

Salzburg has a castle/fortress called Hohensalzburg built on a rock 400 feet above the Salzach River. You can see it's really old. hehe

View from up top.

We took the funicular up to the top for dinner and a concert. We climbed no less that six flights of stairs to get there. This was the dessert.

And a little classical music.

For lunch today at Cafe Sacher, Sally order the "original sacherwurstel". It was served in this...

And here it is......This foot long hot dog was good but what's the big deal?? And it cost 8 euros!!!!

Here's what we went there for, the famous Sacher Cake.

Here's some for you guys. Especially for Melissa who is having a baby as we speak we think.

For those of you over 45 who remember 'The Sound of Music', we took the "schmaltzy" sound of music four hour tour. We were taken to the film sites around town and the country side, beautiful views. We got the Hollywood version and the real version of the von Trapp family.

We did manage to get you all another souvenirs. We bought them from this guy.

Mini Mozart violin refrigerator magnets.

Oh, just so you all know.


Miles approximately 5,640
Countries 5



  1. Is that Sally's brother that sold you the souvenirs? Thanks for the Sacher, it's just like I remember it :-) Beautiful pictures of the country!

  2. Nice blog. Cracked me up. Can you bring back one of those round cakes for Aaron? (maybe two?)

  3. So.. you bought souveniers from that guy... are you sure its a guy?!?!?! ALSO, what is the dessert thing next to the musical thing... looks like a slab of liver?!?!?

  4. Maybe you're not suppose to eat the hot dog???! I can taste that Sacher cake again just by looking at it. And I did the shmaltzy Sound of Music tour and loved every minute of it!

  5. Hi Sally and Nancy, a few of us were at work and decided to enjoy your website, wishing we were there instead of here. It would be nice to taste some of the desserts.

    Kiz, Sandy, Dean, Laura, Jen, Jodi

    have fun
