Friday, September 4, 2009

Charismatic Krakow

Dzien dobry,

Found some of the friendliest people so far in this beautiful town in Poland. Again, most historical sites are within easy walking distance. The market square is the place to be. St Mary's Church overlooking the main square has two different towers built by two competing brothers, I thought that looked weird. The square is full of restaurants, souvenir shops and money exchanges along with music and performers on the street, we even met the market beggar but the police wisked her away before I could get a good picture.

We took a tour of the city in a golf cart driven by this young guy.

The carts are all over the city and just driven in the regular traffic of cars, trams and people. It was a little scary. Simon our driver even made several "polish jokes".
Simon also told us there are less than 200 Jews in Krakow now, and most are tourist who stayed, since all were killed in WWW II concentration camps. Part of the ghetto is still preserved along with the cemetary. I don't know what the rocks on the graves mean.

We got you a beer and a pretzel. The pretzel is like our bagel only round with a hole in it.

Later we took a tour to Auschwitz-Birkenau. The sign on the gait says in English "work willmake you free", but no one was freed. The pictures speak for themselves.


Miles traveled approximately 5,116
Countries visited 4


  1. Simon the tour guy is cute, maybe I need to go to Poland to find a husband?! I'm really loving this vacation, traveled 5,116 miles and haven't spent a dime. Keep going girls, I'm having fun too :-)

  2. I think the rocks on the graves is to mark that the deceased has been visited and is loved!
