Wednesday, September 2, 2009



We are in the Czech Republic City of Prague. This city with its 1.2 million people is as medieval as Rothenburg yet as modern and hip as Paris and New York City.

This Bohemian city is know as "beer country" and the beer is cheaper than the water.

After getting a good city map, getting around was easy and you can almost walk to all the major sites. We spent a better part of today in the Castle Quarter which included Prague Castle where Czech leaders ruled for over 1000 years. I think they're all buried there by all the tombs around. I took this pic at night but its a little blurry.

After the fall of communism here in 1989 business from the west has arrived. We saw Ford, McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken and the Hard Rock Cafe just to name a few.

We did manage to find you all some unique souvenirs. This area is evidently known for its Garnets so please pick a nice piece of jewelry. And then the most lovely pastry called Trdelnik. Its made over a charcoal grill.

And we found a more reasonable water closet, you have to pay though and when you are done, the whole thing cleans itself.

Ahoj (means both hi and bye in English)


We have traveled approximately 4,776 Miles
Visited 3 countries.


  1. Awesome pictures, Nancy. I've always wanted to go to Prague. And thanks for the garnets. It is the birthstone of one of my kids, can't remember if it's Jan. or Sept. Baby coming on Tuesday.

  2. Thanks for the gift, it's my birthstone!! (that would be your older child Melissa:-) I Just looked at my book 1,000 places to see before you die, Prague Castle was in there, I'll check it off for you and Sally. Here's a Czech proverb I found "Wherever beer is brewed, all is well. Whenever beer is drunk, life is good" I'm guessing life is good for you and Sal!!
