Thursday, August 27, 2009

Amsterdam, Netherlands

We all made it to Amsterdam. The tail winds were in our favor so made it in just about 7 1/2 hours, Yeah!! No sleep though, and it's noon. Sleep is over rated anyway. 15 minute train to City Central Station then just four Tram stops to our lovely Hotel de Leydsche Hof (aka Amsterdam B & B). Our host, Fritz, showed us how to use the keys and took us up two very steep flights of stairs in this over 400 year old home he shares with his wife Loes and black schnauzer named "monkey".

Walked around the canals, lots of bikes and you'd think one of those cars would just
fall right into the canal.

Visited a cool cheese shop with it's own cat (that would never be allowed in the states),

Went to the Anne Frank House which was awesome, it included her actual diary, taking pictures was not allowed.

Had a "bier" aka beer,(yes I had a beer and it was sweet). Heiniken is made here.

Then we waited a very long time for a wonderful dinner. The bistro had a group of girls celebrating an upcoming wedding and she allowed us to take her picture with her new gift.

Total Miles Traveled - approx 4,155
Countries visited - 1


  1. Amsterdam looks beautiful! Are you sure all you had was beer????

  2. And the adventure begins!! I love the pics. What the heck is Sally drinking, doesen't look like Bier?!!
